Holistic Postpartum Support for LGBTQ Parents
Ever since you had your baby, you’ve been in a state of confusion, blurriness, disorientation and exhaustion. Some days you just feel numb and others you just feel on-edge or angry. You feel like your body is a stranger that you can’t access. Chest/breastfeeding is not the joy you anticipated, your mood is all over the place, and you worry that you’re just not doing this parenting thing right. You think that there’s no way other people feel this bad postpartum, there must be something wrong with me.
LGBTQ Parents Deserve Holistic Postpartum Support
You feel regret wash over you when you don’t feel connected to your baby. It’s a horrible feeling. You may have a loving and supportive partner, co-parent, or friend and they are concerned about you. You are just not yourself but how can you be when you are sleeping few hours at a time? When is there time for you to take care of you?
Individualized Care for Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and Physical Symptoms
My name is Rebecca Francesca Cariati (they/them) and I’m a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and Queer parent with specialized training and experience supporting postpartum parents to return to feeling well in their new postpartum realities.
Together, we use herbal medicine, “Health At Every Size” (HAES) food guidance, and somatic practices to calm your nervous system. My “comes as you are” approach offers both short-term relief and long-term healing from the physical and mental-emotional rollercoaster of postpartum recovery. You don’t have to leave your home, or even your bed. You can bottlefeed, bodyfeed, or breastfeed your baby during your telehealth sessions which are encrypted and private.
Addressing Postpartum Depression and Balancing Postpartum Hormones
This medicine is used with millions of birthing and new parents across East Asia to address postpartum healing:
- postpartum depression
- postpartum anxiety
- postpartum hair loss
- postpartum bleeding
- postpartum headaches
- postpartum thyroiditis
- postpartum fatigue
- balancing hormones postpartum
- milk production
- mastitis prevention
- breast/chest health
If you need things to change and you’re ready to find Queer-celebrating, gender-affirming, holistic postpartum support,book your Curiosity Call.
Rebecca deeply transformed my first prenatal, birth and postpartum experience through their expansive understanding and application of chinese medicine and intuitive sense of emotional care. I was two months pregnant when covid hit and frantically sought out virtual health support. Our work with the acu-phototherapy patches and personalized herbal medicine smoothed out essentially every prenatal symptom I was dealing with. They taught my partner acupressure points which he used during labor which were game changing. And they have been a beacon of support and nourishment throughout my postpartum time and I feel amazing in my body and relationships with my new baby and family. As a bonus, my severe chronic back pain disappeared after our first four sessions together, which is a miracle since I had spent 15 years and thousands of dollars to relieve this pain. I would recommend Rebecca to literally everyone.
-Queer Mama, Philadelphia, PA